1 Timothy 4:6 Part 2

I could go on and on about the benefits on exercise. And if you're reading this, it's very likely that you already know most of this stuff: increasing our cardiovascular health, lower cholesterol, better stamina, etc. etc. But let me ask you something... has that changed your TRUE desire to get healthier? To wake up at 5am to hit the gym before work? Or take a job after dinner? I know many will answer YES to these questions, but I have a suspicion it's not "increased cardiovascular health" as your SOLE reason for changing your lifestyle. And if you answered no, then I am with you! These things don't MOTIVATE me to workout everyday. Even though they do provide a profit.

What DOES motivate me, you ask?
  • Being a daily example to my daughter that having high self-esteem is important--so when she becomes a teenager and the pressure is on, her default can be a mother who supports her physical shape and doesn't criticize her for it.
  • Not being the person I used to be, who would hide behind clothes, feeling judged (whether that's true or not), thinking who I am depends solely on how I look.
  • Remembering that my "body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"
That last point is the point of this devotional. This verse clearly states that bodily exercise profiteth little when it is based solely on the body. But there is MORE to gain than just the physical benefits of exercise. Mental clarity, increased self-esteem, and most importantly, a working instrument for the Lord's work. Yes, I exercise to feel good about myself and to feel attractive for my spouse, but the real benefits come from the work the Lord does THROUGH the ministry of exercise--encouraging a sister in Christ, laying out the plan of salvation to an acquaintance during a walk, and praying with someone recovering from an injury. There, my friends, the blessings abound.
